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    ASSÉ stands in solidarity with students at City College in NYC

    17 janvier 2014

    As student and community activists fight to reopen the Guillermo Morales/Assata Shakur
    Community and Student Center at City College of New York (CCNY), the Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ) writes to express our support and solidarity from Québec.

    ASSÉ's members across Québec (70,000 students) are keenly aware of the importance of autonomous spaces on campus as critical to both the organizing capacity of student movements struggling for accessible education, but also in ensuring safe spaces for students and community members facing the social violence of racism, sexism, homophobia, and other manifestations of oppression that thrive under the neo-liberal economics of austerity.

    The CCNY administration's move to close the Guillermo Morales/Assata Shakur Community and Student Center without due process, within the context of a growing reality of militarization on your campus, clearly illustrates an effort to attack local activism. ASSÉ writes to express our solidarity for your organizing efforts at CCNY, one of the most diverse college/university campuses in the U.S. with a deep history of social activism.

    ASSÉ's organizing toward the Québec student strike of 2012 against a massive tuition hike, which was struck down after months of protest, and our current campaign against austerity policies both take place with a spirit of international solidarity and an understanding that our struggles are your struggles, that the fight for free, public, and inclusive post-secondary education travels across borders.

    As your struggles at CCNY continue, ASSÉ writes you from a few hours north in Québec
    to extend our hand and also our spirit of support for your critically important organizing work.

    In solidarity and struggle,
    ASSÉ’s Executive Council

    29 avril 2019

    CONGRÈS ANNUEL 2018-2019 : Les membres de l’ASSÉ votent en faveur de la dissolution

    Réunies à Québec les 27 et 28 avril, les associations membres de l’Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ) ont adopté un mandat en faveur de sa dissolution qui sera effective à partir du 31 mai prochain. Lire la suite

    19 septembre 2018

    Campagne 2018-2019 : l’ASSÉ amorce une campagne contre la marchandisation de l’éducation

    CAMPAGNE 2018-2019 : L’ASSÉ AMORCE UNE CAMPAGNE CONTRE LA MARCHANDISATION DE L’ÉDUCATION MONTRÉAL, 16 septembre 2018 — Lors du congrès tenu en avril dernier, les associations membres ont décidé d’unir leurs efforts dans la prochaine année afin de lutter contre la marchandisation … Lire la suite

    4 mai 2017

    Congrès annuel 2016-2017 : L’ASSÉ démarre une campagne contre la culture du viol

    CONGRÈS ANNUEL 2016-2017 : L’ASSÉ DÉMARRE UNE CAMPAGNE CONTRE LA CULTURE DU VIOL QUÉBEC, 30 avril – Réunies à Québec les 29 et 30 avril, les associations membres de l’Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante ont adopté un plan d’action … Lire la suite